CCM - Crossways Camping Ministries
CCM stands for Crossways Camping Ministries
Here you will find, what does CCM stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Crossways Camping Ministries? Crossways Camping Ministries can be abbreviated as CCM What does CCM stand for? CCM stands for Crossways Camping Ministries. What does Crossways Camping Ministries mean?Crossways Camping Ministries is an expansion of CCM
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Alternative definitions of CCM
- Contemporary Christian Music
- CORBA Component Model
- Continuous Conduction Mode
- Cisco Call Manager
- Community Climate Model
- Center for Composite Materials
- Chipley Custom Machine
- Consortium for Conservation Medicine
View 297 other definitions of CCM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CMS Chaska Music Studios
- CDA Creed Design Associates
- CHCS Crown Hellas Can Sa
- CBP Charter Board Partners
- CDR Castle Dargan Resort
- CTTA California Tow Truck Association
- CGA Constructor Group As
- CAA Colombo Adv Ass
- C1SC Chiro 1St Chiropractic
- CRG Collins Recruitment Group
- CSSL Corporate Security Supply Ltd
- CSCP Canadian Sport Centre Pacific
- CEI Concept Engineering Inc
- CEL Celebrity Etc LLC
- CLL Concrete Logistics Limited
- CPPC Cadillac Products Packaging Company
- CHCL Columbus Hydraulics Company LLC
- CDSI Central Die Supplies Inc.
- CSA Colorado Springs Airport
- CMRPSCC Crown Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Canada